Issue of special permissions for passage of heavy and large vehicles through public roads.

Heavy and large vehicles are heavy weighted and (or) large vehicles.

Obtaining special permits for the passage of heavy and large vehicles.

  The passage of heavy-duty and oversized vehicles on the roads of the Republic of Belarus is permitted in the case of transportation of goods that cannot be divided into parts without excessive costs or damage to these goods, and only with a special permit issued by RUE “Beldorcenter”, indicating the route of movement of heavy-duty and oversized vehicles.
    A special permit is issued upon application of the interested person, which can be submitted:
    – in electronic form via single portal of electronic services (registration on the portal and an electronic digital signature key are required for residents);
    – on paper (by hand or by post) at the location of special permit issuance groups (by territoriality).
    Service code 548.5.29.1.
    How to get the service: here.
    How to obtain an electronic digital signature certificate: here.
    The special permit is available in the personal account of the interested party on the unified electronic services portal in pdf format.
    Obtaining reusable special permits is possible only when carrying out intra-republican road transportation of goods exceeding the permissible weight parameters and only for the following categories of vehicles:
      – dump trucks carrying bulk cargo, including agricultural goods, and concrete mixes;
      – MAZ-53371 trucks with flatbed carrying bulk agricultural cargo;
      – the mixers transporting the concrete mix;
      – two-axle truck-mounted cranes;
      – wood chip trucks transporting wood chips;
      – cars-the log and timber trucks carrying timber;
      – two-axle, three-axle, four-axle trucks transporting scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for state (Republican) needs.
    It is allowed to obtain reusable special permits for wheeled tractors used in agriculture with a width of 2.55 to 4 meters inclusive and if they exceed the permissible weight parameters.
  Obtaining reusable special permits is possible provided that the technically permissible total weight of the vehicle is not exceeded and the maximum total weight established by law is not exceeded.
   The issuance of special permits with the collection of tolls for heavy-duty and oversized vehicles travel is carried out according to a special calculation based on the software package after the interested person registers on this website and submits an electronic application.

Obtaining conclusion of owners of transport communications, communication facilities and electrical transmission networks on passage conditions of the route of heavy and large vehicles.

 Is effected in accordance with the requirements of p.16 of the Decree of Ministry of Transport and Communications of Republic of Belarus dd. 29/11/2019 No.52 “On changing the resolution of the Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Belarus dated 25/08/2011 No. 50”.
    If there is a technical possibility, RUE “Beldortsentr” has the right to request the opinions of the owners of transport communications, communication facilities and power grids on the conditions of travel of TCTS on the route by means of an automated information system.

Development of a technical statement on the assessment of the possibility and conditions for heavy and large vehicles passing on roads and road structures (hereinafter referred to as technical statement) and (or) a transportation project on the procedure and conditions for heavy and large vehicles movement on roads and bridges (hereinafter referred to as a transportation project)

Consideration of received applications for special permissions and notifying the owner (user) of the heavy and large vehicles, if it`s required to develop a technical statement and (or) transportation project is carried out within two working days after application submitting.
   Development of technical statements for passage of heavy and large vehicles with total weight less 80 tons inclusive and excess of permissible axle weight (sum of axle weight) for more than 50 percent is effected by Administration of enterprises’ roads and bridges diagnostics free of charge.
   Development of technical statements for passage of heavy and large vehicles with total weight more than 80 tons is effected on the basis of Agreement, concluded by an owner (user) of heavy and large vehicles with special road organization State Company “BeldorNII”.
   The development of transportation projects is carried out, subject to at least one of the following conditions:
    -when the height of heavy and large vehicles is more than 5m or if the clear margin over transported cargo is less than 40 cm to the bottom of the road structure;
    -when the width of heavy and large vehicles is more than 5m;
    -when the length of heavy and large vehicles is more than 30m;
    – when total weight of heavy and large vehicles is more than 100t.
    RUE “Beldortsentr” on a contractual basis is a set of works on the development of transportation projects. Sample letter from the owner (user) of the of heavy and large vehicles for the development of the transportation project  download.

Cover car escort services

 The company provides services on a contractual basis to support of heavy and (or) oversized vehicles with a cover vehicle.

Service request form download.

Accompanying the of heavy and (or) oversized vehicles with a cover vehicle is necessary if at least one of the following conditions is present:
   – with a vehicle width of more than 3.5 m and up to 4 m inclusive;
   – when the height of the vehicle is more than 5 m, as well as when the height of the vehicle with or without cargo, when passing under at least one road structure on the route does not provide 40 cm of clearance;
   – with a vehicle length of more than 24 m and up to 30 m inclusive;
   – with a total vehicle weight of more than 60 tons and up to 80 tons inclusive.
  Support is provided throughout the entire cargo route.
 Cover vehicle – a vehicle equipped with an orange flashing light, having means for measuring the dimensions of vehicles and road structures, as well as operational communication devices with escorted vehicles.
 Escort – a set of measures to ensure road safety when a heavy and (or) oversized vehicles travels along the route using a cover vehicle or an escort vehicle.
  Telephone for consultations: +375 17 311 13 20, +375 17 311 13 74

Submission of the application and the documents attached to it, as a general rule, is made by the owner (user) of the TKTS. If the specified documents are submitted to RUE Beldorcenter” by a representative (employee of another business entity), the representative’s powers must be confirmed with a power of attorney to carry out these actions (paragraph five of part one of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z On the Fundamentals of Administrative procedures”).

Regarding application for special permissions, it`s required to apply to regional groups:

  • Group of issue of special permissions (Domashevskiy lane, 11, 220036, Minsk), tel. +375 17 311 13 80, +375 17 311 13 00, fax +375 17 311 12 80.
    Regional group of issue of special permissions (Brest, Grodno):
  • Brest (Vorovskogo street, 19, 224030), tel. +375 162 21 51 28, tel./fax +375 162 21 43 92;
  • Grodno (Kuibysheva street, 31, 230030), tel./fax +375 152 61 10 37, tel. +375 152 61 10 35.
    Regional group of issue of special permissions (Vitebsk, Gomel, Mogilev):
  • Vitebsk (town Bilevo, Minskaya street, 20, 210035), tel./fax +375 212 65 28 11;
  • Gomel (Kirova street, 22, 246050), tel./fax +375 232 34 49 40;
  • Mogilev (Pervomaiskaya street, 18, 212030), tel./fax +375 222 63 84 01.

    Business hours: Monday-Thursday: from 8.30 to 17.30, Friday: from 8.30 to 16.15, lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45.

To get more detailed information, please, call +375 17 311 13 20, +375 17 311 13 74.

Basic regulatory legal acts governing the procedure for obtaining and using special permits:

  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 19, 2019 No. 239 “On the passage of heavy and (or) oversized vehicles” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree). 
  • A consolidated list of the bearing capacity of highways of 6 tons, 10 tons and 11.5 tons per axle in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Decree is presented in the form of a map and a table.
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 24, 2021 No. 548 “On administrative procedures carried out in relation to economic entities”.
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2024 No. 322 “On administrative procedures carried out in electronic form”.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus dated February 11, 2022 No. 2 “On Approval of the Regulations of the Administrative Procedure”.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus and the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus dated December 18, 2019 No. 53/62 “On the procedure for obtaining a special permit in electronic form”.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2011 No. 50 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for the participation of heavy and (or) large vehicles in road traffic”.

Reference materials:

  • Application for special permission for heavy and large vehicles (form).
  • Power of attorney (form).
  • Application letter for getting special permission free of charge (form).
  • Form of the conclusion on the passage conditions of the heavy and (or) large vehicle on the route (form).
  • List of owners of transport communications, communication facilities and electrical transmission networks on passage conditions of the route of heavy and large vehicles on the route.
  • List of companies, issuing the conclusions (scheme).
  • Support conditions of heavy and large vehicles (scheme).

Attention recipients of multiple special permits!
   Lists of sections of highways and road structures restricted to the passage of TCTS, based on their maximum total mass, set in Annex 5 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 19, 2019 No. 239, is placed on the websites of road owners in the global computer network Internet and is available for review by owners (users) of TCTS by the links specified in  the table.

Information on the use of special permits issued to an individual entrepreneur and a commercial organization created by him in accordance with the Law of the Republic of  Belarus dated April 22, 2024 No. 365-Z.